Monday 22 September 2014

Just a friend

You said hello and passed me by
Unable to see the tears or hear the sighs

For what is in me cannot see
You passed me by and quickly flee

A friend that’s all I mean to you
A listener to troubles, and a sister too

I tried and tried to feel the same
I utterly failed, love is to blame

Look my beloved friend into my eyes
And you’ll discover what kind of lies

 Lies I invented to hide how I feel
The lies which stopped me, in front of you, to kneel

Time will show you the truth one day
With a cold farewell you’ll go your way


Thursday 17 April 2014

God call me instead of him

All is silent, dark and bare
All looks vain, nothing seems fair
Nature is sad and so my heart
I should not have lived from the start
But God Breathed in me life
He made me struggle, fright and strive
In all those battles, I utterly failed
And now all is gone, everyone sailed

Sailed with a friend or even a lover
Leaving behind them a still dark cover
God! Pity your miserable child
Take it to you, away from human sight

Take it to you, it might find rest
For in heaven there is no I and you, east or west
All is one spirit, all is one soul
Ask for me God, instead of him, just call …


Sunday 13 April 2014


Friendship is the coming in of love, when everything else has gone.
It is a battle between a sword and a cross one seeking to hurt, the other to heal.
It is the determination to believe the best when the worst has been rumored.
It is the hailing of success without envy that may come to one we love.
It is forgiving a hurt without demanding an apology, and the keeping of affection in spite of misunderstanding.
It is asking for a privilege to serve without counting cost or demanding a reward.
It is closing the eye to ugliness, the ears to discord, and opening the inner eye and ear of the heart, which understands rather than sees or hears.
It is to ask “what can I give” rather than “what shall I receive” …

Rubi J.

Thursday 16 January 2014

You left me...


Just like a dream you went away
Without a tear to shed, a word to say
Leaving deep pain scars on my face
Pains not experienced by any of the human race

And I tried to kill the love in me
Tried to stop the tears that could fill a sea
But the love in me grew more and more
The tears failing to wipe the pains I bore

The years passed by so empty and cold
Everything was over, my story was old
Alone I have to bear the bitter pains
For my soul still lingers to yours in everlasting chains

Your love gave me joy and pleasure
After it had been my only treasure
But all this has been long ago
For you have changed
I know,
I know …
