Sunday 18 June 2017

It's not enough...

It's not enough
to bring them to the world because it is an obligation
because they are the foundation of a new generation
or because you erred in the calculation

It's not enough
to take them to school so they can study
because now life is not easy
to be what you couldn't be

It's not enough
to give them very little affection
all because of that damn profession
and because of time conception

It's not enough
because when he wanted to talk to you about a problem
you told him, son let's fix it for another date
I'm tired and it's now too late

It's not enough
to buy him everything he wanted to buy
the new car before he graduated
so he would have what you couldn't have

It's not enough
to think of yourself as an excellent father
because that is what people tell you
your children never need anything

It's not enough
to buy him curious objects
It's not enough
when what he needs is affection
to learn how to value things
because you will not be there for him forever

It's not enough
to punish him for arriving late
if you haven't realized it yet, your child is already a man
he speaks louder and stronger than you


Young at Heart

My body grows old and weary
Yet my heart is young and gay.
Old age reaches out to claim me 
But I'll fight him all of the way.
 Nay, I'll not give in to pity,
My laughter will keep me free.
I'll not grow old just yet,
There's too much I want to see.
Pain and suffering I'll push to aft.
I'll keep smiles upon my face.
Old age and I run neck and neck
But I plan to win the race.
Whatever God had in store for me
And whatever old age imparts,
There's one thing that I pray for
And that's to remain young at Heart.


Sunday 11 June 2017

I'll Endure

I know not of tomorrow 
I walk by faith today.
Tomorrow's in my Saviour's hands
and He will lead the way.
If I should slip or struggle
my Saviour's hand is there,
To steady me along my way
if life gets hard to bear,
And even if I trip and fall
there's One who'll carry me,
So why then should I worry
when One loves me such as He?
I know not of tomorrow 
but of this I know for sure,
My Saviour's there and He does care
and with Him I'll endure.


Give and Do

Someone is lonely, wants tender care;
Someone needs someone, just to be there.
Someone is longing for a hand to hold;
To hear, "I love you," words of gold.
Someone you know needs a friend,
Make it you, with help to lend.
Someone near you has much to give;
Graciously show them how to live.
Reach out and touch, give and do; That "someone," someday, may be you.


Saturday 10 June 2017

Don't ever, ever give up on yourself

Life can sometimes become extremely though
Dig deep and find the strength to persevere
Don't ever, ever give up on yourself
No matter how hard your problems seem,
There is, for everyone, a ray of hope unseen.

Worrying never solved anything
Life is worth the fight despite all the severe trials you'll face...
Rise above things
Even when in doubts, if you give yourself a chance, life will turn around and you'll feel its warm embrace.

Don't ever, ever give up on yourself

You have this one life to live
No second chances 
You own your mind and thoughts,
so make them positive
to remind you what a miraculous, unique and special person you are. 


The Cocoon

Encased in silken strands, lived I,
Bound tightly to my fate ...
Each passing day, a tedium,
Nothing to celebrate

Yet all the while I grew within ...
The heart and soul of me.
To serve the Lord and not myself
Was life's real victory.

Now I can sing a sweeter song ...
A melody of love.
I never knew the words until
God touched me from above.

Don't Wait Too Long

Don't wait too long to make amends,
There is no greater sorrow
Than thinking one has always,
...Who does not have tomorrow.
Our days were never guaranteed,
Our good deeds must be now,
To push God from our lives is more
Than Heaven will allow.
To wait too long, might be too late,
And what a tragedy,
To live one's life and lose one's soul,
... For all eternity.
Don't plan on stealing Heaven,
Like the good thief long ago,
Just tell the Lord you love Him,
For that's all He wants to know.


Friday 9 June 2017

I watched a Miracle

I watched the dawn come shining through
This morning on my knees;
I saw the darkness change to light
As quickly as you please;
I saw the miracle of God
Before my very eyes;
How great God is, how good God is!
How wondrous and how wise!
I saw the twilight come again,
The sun sink out of sight;
And over the waiting earth came peace,
It was wrapped in softest night.
I know the sun will shine again
Tomorrow when I wake;
I watched a miracle tonight
That only God can make.


Just Give Me Love

Just give me Love, I pray to God,
And let me live each day
With blessings of good health and heart
To share on every 'way;
Not gifts of glory, wealth or fame -
Just love to warm my heart
And fill me with the depths of joy
That, only, love imparts.

Just give me love, I pray, dear Lord,
For love has proved to be 
Your greatest gift to humankind -
Unto Eternity;
And love is all I want and need -
In twilight years of life -
To keep me warm against despairs
And shelter me, in strife.



Thursday 8 June 2017


We struggle to keep up the pace,
Sometimes we wonder why.
Fear says we'll never win the race,
but faith tells us to try.

There's no one there to comfort us,
We're lost and all alone.
Fear drives us far away from God,
but faith brings us back home.

We need to place our trust in Him,
although we cannot see.
Our fears can bind us evermore,
but faith will set us free.

To walk in faith or run in fear...
It's up to us to choose.
To walk in faith will win the race,
To run in fear will lose.


Little Things

Oft'times it is the "little things" in life that bring me pleasure.
The things that money cannot buy 
bring joy that's beyond measure.
I love to watch the sun set
at the closing of the day...
The sounds of children laughing
as contentedly they play.
I love to hear the rain
falling gently in the trees...
The fragrance of the springtime...
a cooling summer breeze.
In this world of greed and discontent,
 with what the love of money brings,
I'm glad that God has given me 
the love of  "little things"


Beyond the Rising Sun

Have you seen the purple twilight
dance upon the snow,
Or seen a thousand stars appear
till Heaven was aglow?
Have you seen the golden moonlight
caress the surging tide,
Or camped beside a campfire
with loved ones at your side?
Have you heard a songbird singing
on a foggy, quiet night,
Or seen a night owl winging
before the morning light?
Have you stood atop a mountain
to watch the day begin
When the majesty of God
erased the things of men?
How complicated life can be
beyond the rising run,
But often the voice of God is heard
before the day's begun.
