Tuesday 29 August 2017


Like a little ghost returned,
I sought the old familiar haunts,
Where happy childhood memories
Had long supplied my meager wants.
Down dusty avenues of years,
Unerringly I walked before
The well remembered places where
Nobody knew me anymore.

The dear beloved house was gone,
The bridge was down, the lake was dry,
The shops were closed and everywhere
So much had changed ... or was it I?
Somehow he seemed to understand,
The old stray dog, who licked my hand.


Tuesday 15 August 2017


I thought this was going to be easier to say
But now I am standing here looking at you
Ever since I have been back we have been doing this dance
We come together and then I pull away
Something pulls me away
But I think finally that something might be over
You know me better than anyone
And that you are more important to me than anyone
I just waited too long to say it
That " I LOVE YOU"


Monday 14 August 2017

May I fall in Love all over again with you ...

Give back to me
That warm and vibrant glow
That filled each day with sunlight
From the love I used to know!

When the wonder of the grace
Made my heart to overflow
And my days a heaven on earth
Because I loved you so!

When we were alone for the first time
Kissing and making love ... no it is not a crime
There is nothing to hide
When I was there by your side

Fill again my heart
To love you like crazy 
May I fall in love 
All over again with you


Monday 7 August 2017

If it can't be love that you feel then it becomes hate!

I saw you with her and then I saw your eyes
All that time you were telling me nothing but lies
That girl changed you in ways that only someone like me can understand
You said you love me.. kept asking myself how could you pretend
Hiding my pain and my anger with smiles
Now I am gone far away million miles
When you love someone as much as I loved you with all of my heart
You just can't turn that emotion off when they are taken from you
You still feel things as deep as they were
 and if it can't be love that you feel then it becomes hate!


Thursday 3 August 2017

With Your Help

Lord, never let my heart grow weary
Of the tasks that lie ahead,
Renew my faith each day for You
As I waken from my bed.

Times of hurting and sorrow,
Help me burden them I pray,
Till at last the joy and laughter
One again will come my way.

If a person does me wrong
Let forgiveness enter in,
Do not let revengeful thoughts
Lead me to this awesome sin.

Last, but certainly not least,
Keep me pure as I can be,
Till at last I'm homeward bound
To live eternally with Thee.


Wednesday 2 August 2017

Every End Is a New Beginning

Every end is a new beginning
like the chapters in a book,
By faith we reach out expectantly
turn the page and take a look.
Each volume has a specific size
each complete in our Lord's sight,
He writes His love in many ways,
in sunny days, through darkest night.
He's cast us each as our life's hero,
it's up to us to act the part,
Find the faith to walk rejoicing,
sing His goodness in our heart.
Of course we'd sometimes like to linger
in pleasant resting places,
But time goes on and comes the challenge 
of tomorrow's untried races.
Since we cannot see and do not know 
the next step He has planned,
Boldly make a new beginning
and trust the ending to His hand. 
