Sunday 24 November 2013

He has no more love

Every night you sit right there
Without a tear or smile to share
With the one your heart aches for
Because he had left you on love’s wild shore

Be strong don’t show him you care
He’s back again, don’t run, just look and stare
He’s lonely now and needs you so
His words were sweet his voice was low

Suddenly you were completely drunk
His tender whispers in your heart have sunk
And so quickly you forget the past
What matters? You are with him at last
Time flew quickly from your hands and now you’re alone on the sand
It’s all over, this what you should feel
He has no more love to reveal


Wednesday 6 November 2013


Silent is the earth, black is the sky
Heavy is my heart, my tears are dry
This is my fate, I’ll have to live
Never to receive, always to give

The memory of you grew cold
I feel so very tired, so very cold
All has perished, everything has gone
I’ll have to manage and live on
But how can I exist with none to care
Whether I live, or with God be up there
Tell me how quickly you can change
You have grown so cold it seems strange

Time will teach me to forgive you
Leaving my nights lonely and blue
Your face will always guide me
It will clear my path, help me to see
For you have always been my life
You have always helped me strife
And though you are gone,
you’ll be near
To wipe a tear clear a fear …


Friday 1 November 2013

Only you ...


My will tried its best to hide
The tickling feeling deep inside
The feeling I had when I saw you so weak that day
Trying to take all your worries and pains away
Your sweet laughter echoed in my heart
Making it live again from the start
May you never feel again that pain!
May you never see the world lonely and vain!
May all happiness of earth spill on you!
Wiping away the grief that you once knew
Be joyful beloved life is not worth a tear
Not worth a sigh, not worth a fear
God, my father, do listen to my call
Let joy and happiness fill his soul
Help us both to walk with our head above
Our eyes filled with hope, our hearts with love…
